Know more about our what we are doing to prevent and respond to harmful practices against children and women in Uganda.

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Amani initiative 2020-2030 theory of change


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Nelson Mandela once said that; “Education is the most powerful weapon we can use to change the world.


Education is considered as a milestone for women empowerment because it enables them to respond to the challenges, to confront their traditional role and change their lives. As education is both an input and input of human development, educational equity will ensure enabling and entrepreneurial development.


What we do:-

1) Support low cost schools to provide equal and quality education opportunities for both boys and girls through engagement with SMC and, PTA.

2)Engage child parents and their guardians to return to school through counseling and school fees bursaries.

3)Recognize and award best performing learners to motivate them to study hard.

4)Improve school financial health to facilitate growth and sustainability.

5)Guide and support schools to meet Ministry of Education and Sports Basic Requirements and Minimum Standards for Education Institutions


Our Expected Outputs

Output 1.1 Capacity of schools built to create a safe learning environment for girls and boys as guided by the Ministry of Education Basic Minimum Standards.

Output 2.1 Schools supported to set up and implement effective school management practices, policies and structures as guided by the Ministry of Education and Sports Basic Minimum Standards.


Our Expected Outcomes

Outcome 1: Increase in the number of girls and boys entering, staying school and completing a full cycle of education.

Outcome 2: Improved school learning environment to promote equal and quality education for boys and girls.

child protection and safe guarding

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Child marriage, defilement, female genital mutilation are all very harmful practices that children in our community still face denying them equal opportunities to a better future.


We operate through the available laws and policies to ensure that all children and women are protected from violence and are also able to access justice. We have set up a network of community change agents who engage their communities on prevention and response to harmful practices against children and women.


What we do:-

1)School support on child protection through sensitizations and establishment of school child protection policies.

2)Community and household advocacy dialogues on child protection and safeguarding.


Our Expected Outputs

Output 3.1: Improved knowledge, skills and capacity of community structures in the prevention and response to harmful practices against children and women.

Output 4.1 Community supported to establish structures for reporting and referral for cases against harmful practices against children and women.


Our Expected Outcomes

Outcome 3: Negative cultural and social gender norms and practices contributing to harmful practices against children and women ended.

Outcome 4: Victims of harmful practices against children and women supported to access justice from legal courts of law.

Social and Economic empowerment

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Social empowerment is understood as the process of developing a sense of autonomy and self-confidence, and acting individually and collectively to change social relationships and the institutions and discourses that exclude poor people and keep them in poverty.


Economic empowerment is the capacity of women and men to participate in, contribute to and benefit from growth processes in ways that recognize the value of their contributions, respect their dignity and make it possible to negotiate a fairer distribution of the benefits of growth.


What we do:-

1)Financial literacy and entrepreneurship skills training for households, savings groups and youth.

2)Facilitate access to  low cost- business start up and growth financing to vulnerable members of the community.

3)Developing and supplying of digital financial solutions to improve effectives of village savings groups, and business management.

4) Hands on skills training on income generating projects.

5) Stakeholder dialogues on social and economic empowerment with a focus on gender equity. 


Our Expected Outputs

Output 5.1: Household dialogues conducted to support women and men to balance power relations.
Output 5.2: Capacity of duty bearers including religious and cultural leaders built to ensure women and men access and enjoy their rights
Output 5.3: Platforms for men and boys to discuss issues of women’s rights established
Output 5.4: Women and men are supported in economically empowering initiatives.

Our Expected Outcomes

Outcome 5: Women and men empowered to access rights, opportunities and resources.


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Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. Our health programming directly focuses on adolescent sexual and reproductive health, HIV/AIDs, nutrition, child and maternal health. 


What we do:-
1)Engage child parents, households and key populations to access family planning services and information.
2)Sexual & Reproductive sensitizations to adolescents, households and communities with a focus on family planning, relationships, menstrual hygiene and HIV/AIDs.
3)Support improvement in nutrition and reducing stunting for children below 5 years.

4)Support health facilities create a conducive environment for child and maternal health.


Our Expected Outputs

Output 6.1: Community safe spaces providing quality adolescent sexual & reproductive and child & maternal health services established
Output 6.2: Capacity of community personnel to provide quality adolescent sexual & reproductive and child & maternal health services and information strengthened.
Output 6.3: Communities access and usage of adolescent sexual & reproductive and child & maternal health services and information enhanced.


Our Expected Outcomes

Outcome 6: Improved adolescent sexual & reproductive and child & maternal health behaviors and practices amongst members of the community.